Friday, January 28, 2011

"Cookies make me happy"

I nannied for the most wonderful people/family last semester and go back about once a week or so to give the parents a break and to earn some extra cash. However, Id do it for free because the kids are fabulous--just dont tell. It took some time to reign "CR" in but he finally knows my rules ;)

This morning I walk in asking the question I always ask...
Me: What are we doing today?
CR: Well moms at the beach and left us the kitchen. So were making cookies.
Me: Oh we are, are we? whys that?
CR: because cookies make me happy and I want to be happy all day.

...a kid after my own heart :p

The finished product! Our hands were far too messy to take pictures during our making but it was quite fun!

Then baby C woke up from her morning nap and joined us!

CR wanted to take some pictures :)

I absolutely love this family and it has been such a blessing seeing Baby C learn to crawl, growl and now blow raspberries. Or watching CR be this shy little munchkin to the loudest most active and imaginative little man ever. I feel so grateful to the parents for letting me get my kid fix and borrow theirs from time to time. Lucky lucky me!

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