Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ireland Bound!

I could possibly have had a better morning and I had to blog about it. Here is the play by play...

9 am-- I woke up to one of my very best friends who I rarely see.

10 am-- I have been looking and holding out for the perfect job medically related...and have been avidly praying that something will come through. This morning I got a call from Childrens Hospital in Boston. NOTHING is a done deal yet, but the fact that I got through the first round of interviews was so encouraging. So everyone, keep your fingers crossed and keep praying that I get this job!

10:30 am-- I skyped with my very best friend who is studying abroad in Ireland. Just seeing her cute little face, and hearing how much fun she is having and how different everything is there was really neat and encouraging. I really wanted to visit her and was just skeptical because of financial issues, feeling like spending almost 650 on a plane ticket alone was too much...however...

11:00 am--I BOOKED A TICKET FOR LESS THAN 450 TO IRELAND FOR 9 DAYS! ...and two AMAZING have a 6 hour layover in the only city I have ever wanted to kill to visit...PARIS! I plan on leaving the airport even if it is for 2o minutes, even if I have to stand through 2 hours of security again, just to touch Paris! AND two...ill be in Ireland on St Patricks day!! Hello Beer, Fish and Chips, Blue skies, and Greeeeen waters! :)

I feel so encouraged and uplifted and unstoppable. I'm on such a happy high right now I cannot even explain it!

Hope everyone else out there is having a splendid morning!

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