Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Big 2-1.

I figure having a semi reoccurring blog I am somewhat obligated to write about turning 21. Birthdays are not necessarily my least mine and turning 21 seems more a birthday to celebrate drinking than being born. So, needless to say I find turning 21 more of a convenience than a reason to celebrate. I find much more pleasure out of other peoples birthdays mainly because making someone else feel fabulously special is more fun to me and all the attention makes me feel really goofy.However, I dont think this birthday could have been more perfect.
My birthday this year was strung out over 2 weeks, starting in Ireland with Lauren and then coming back to the states for more celebrations. First, I didnt tell anyone at work it was my birthday, again the whole attention thing is just a tad overwhelming for me. However, my secret was blow upon the arrival of my favorite flowers-Peonies. After work I went to the DMV to get my updated license and ran into someone I haven't seen in YEARS! We chatted, set up a play date, and went on my way.Then I came home and my lovely friend from URI ventured down to stay part of the weekend with me. Thursday night was spectacular. My Sassy Girl and a beer in my bed...I am not sure if there is something I would enjoy more...maybe wine, My Sassy Girl and my bed, either way it was a wonderful Thursday night.
Friday is when the real celebration started. I had a wonderful dinner at some random place I "yelped." If you don't know of its super fabulous for finding new places to try...or dates to plan (hehe). I sent out an invite to a moshposh of people kinda expecting it to be a come and go type thing and wasn't really sure who all would be there...however, it turned out to be a very good group...and after my second tequila
sunrise, I think anyone could have waltzed in and I would have been thrilled. After dinner, we met up with a few of my other friends and went back to my apt...nothing worth mentioning here. It was good to see some old friends and some I see every week and it was especially to see my favorite niece in the whole world (shes currently my only one so I can say that.)
It feels a little odd thinking I'm 21, not because I can legally buy booze, but just to think of what I have done in the past 21 years seems both successful yet insignificant. It was encouraging to see the people who really care about you and incredibly fun to merge my new friends with some of the ones I have known since I was in a training bra. So, to everyone that was out with me that night and happens to stumble upon this entry...thank you, you made a very cliché birthday very meaningful and memorable!

My first "legal" drink which I didn't get carded for...

My Nipplace I wore for the majority of the night. One of my best friends who's also a nursing student made this for me! Its a whole bunch of little nipp bottles made into a necklace...surprisingly I took this picture today and all of them are still full.
My favorite flowers that were delivered to work...This isn't the exact arrangement but its close :)

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