Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An Unusual Favorite.

For those of you who know me fairly well its no secret that Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday.Yes, you read correctly-favorite. I am endlessly made fun of for it too. I enjoy it more than my Birthday, Christmas, and Thanksgiving... maybe even combined. Now, before you let out an exasperated and cynical sigh hear (read?) me out. I'm not hitched so it has nothing to do with getting gifts. I'm not some huge sap who melts at the sight of fluttery red and pink hearts or Justin Bieber lyrics. No, I love Valentines for two reasons-the chaos it ensues and the collective act of selflessness it encompasses.
My parents own a flower shop and I go home every year, rain, snow, hail, tornado, or meteor shower...nothing can stop me from working on Valentine's Day. The phones are constantly ringing, the arranging of flowers is endless, directing the 5 delivery drivers to the hundreds of various delivery spots is more intricate than stinking circulatory flow charts, etc. There is a constant rush pulsing through my body, which for those of you who me well, know I thrive one this kind of rush. But what makes it so so worth it, is all the ridiculous questions and card messages I hear and see. My favorite question this year, which I was shocked to be asked on numerous occasions, was “will the flowers be pretty?” My initial reaction is to laugh and ask "are you freaking kidding me?" followed with the most cynical response I can only long to say...“Actually no sir, we do incredibly ugly arrangements here and I was thinking a nice brown and rotting one would be perfect for you. Normally flowers smell great but Ill be sure these smell horrid just to make your hunny feel extra special.” But of course I simply say “Oh yes, very beautiful!” I chalk it up to men,our main clientele on Valentines, are just being men and forget till they see the massive "Don't forget Valentines!" sign hanging outside our door. They know the bear minimum about flowers and assume its better to receive confirmation from the florist herself that the flowers will, in fact, be pretty. (Sorry guys)
We had some interesting cards this year. My two favorite were actually quite sweet. One guy asked his girlfriend to marry him. He filled out the card "Will you marry me? Check yes, no maybe." Another bought his girlfriend a ticket to go on a cruise with the card message reading "you need a bathing suit...were going to MEXICO!" I like these creative cards more than the "Happy Valentine's Day. Love ya." ...maybe I am somewhat of a sap?
However, all silly cynical customer service and adrenaline junky-ness aside...I really love what Valentines stands for. I don't know the full extent of Valentines history but know some of it is centered around secret
marriages, forbidden love, prison, etc. Real romantic stuff. I love Valentines because in the span of about 72 hours I see hundreds of doting husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, explicitly loving one another in front of the entire world. If your one of those people who is thinking "shouldnt they show their love every day?" "Valentines is a hallmark holiday" ...you hold some validity but sorry I say screw you. Some people call Valentine's day a selfish holiday but I think its the opposite. The majority of our customers are coming in to order flowers for their significant other because they know how happy and encouraged it will make them feel, not out of obligation. With that said...showing your love everyday is always a nice gesture.
While I don't agree with those who think "Happy Valentine's Day" is an interchangeable phrase with "Happy Singles Awareness Day", I am sympathetic. I can fully understand it exploits the fact that you don't have
a significant other, but I think those people are closed minded. Valentines is not merely between romantic-intimate relationships, its about sharing your love with anyone. A vast majority of our orders are from parents to their kids, dads coming in to get a single pink rose for their 2 year old daughter. I can guarantee that single rose will make that 2 year old girl feel like mommy and daddy's little princess.
I am fully aware that working in a florist shop for 6 years and having a flower shop be your families sole source of income can make one grossly biased. However, I really love flowers. I love that they can make an excruciatingly sad occasion a tad less sad, I love the fact they bring beauty to an already beautiful and happy event, I love that they can instantly make someones day go from drab to splendid, but what I love most are the simple "just because" flowers. It is a way to encourage and lift someone up...a truly unselfish, loving, and considerate act. So, to my cute little blog readers...Happy late Valentines Day!

(Me and my sister, Abbey, at the shop.)


  1. i love the "were going to mexico!" card! i want one of those next year! :)

  2. You may get made fun of for liking V-day best but I think thats one of the many random crazy things about you that makes you so damn attractive
