Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Theres a beauty in walking away.

In my last blog I said there has not been much in the past few months that has been blog worthy...that was kinda a lie. Well not a lie because nothing seems as worthy as little Madi. Anyways, the biggest change in my life is I have finally made the venture back to Boston for school-nursing school. Its been very bitter sweet. In Colorado, I was not only incredibly independent but it was the most peaceful place I could and still can ever imagine. I lived about 30 minutes away from the Rocky Mountains and within 5-10 minutes could easily hike my choice of trails. My favorite was Chautauqua. Hiking in this particular park was breathtaking and spectacular. There were a variety of rocky dunes, meadows full of colorful wildflowers, trails I swear would wander for miles on end, even flat sheer rock that you could latch into and climb.
I would say I went out hiking or climbing anywhere from 3-4 times a week even more when it was summer. Hiking was a way to not only exude energy, but it cleared my head. It is a few hours of complete silence (other than the leaves in the wind, chirping birds, etc) where I was alone. It is possibly the most liberated feeling I have ever encountered in my life. Seems dramatic but I promise its true! However, living in boston the closest I have come to a mountain and complete serenity is a mountain of stairs in an empty building :) Thats not entirely true. I have the most fantastical boyfriend who took me on a spontaneous hiking adventure after church one day. Since then my outlook on Boston has done a 180....Im finding beauty and serenity in places or things I didn't really recognize before.
I must admit, I may have been morning the loss of my Colorado
mountains which has skewed my view of Boston. And while there
may not be mountains in my backyard here, there are adventures in
Boston that I would have never been able to experience in Boulder.
Skyline Park (the picture on the side) is my current favorite place here.
It is a simple park, but seriously how amazing is that view of the city!!
Another aspect I love about Boston...the fact my car was frozen shut this morning before school.
So awesome. Anyways, Im starting to find a lot in and about Boston that I love, and
being closer to my friends and family highly outweighs any mountain. All in all, I have found the beauty
in walking away from Colorado, and it will always be there for me to visit. :)

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