Monday, December 13, 2010

A new reason to blog...

I havent blogged in over a year! Yikes...In my defense, I have not really had enough that I have felt is blog worthy (other than moving cross country again, changing majors again, switching schools again...). However! That all changed December 7th! My cute little peanut of a neice was born on December 7th, 5lbs 6oz, and 20 inches long. Madilynn Renee Wood is easily the smallest baby I have not only seen, but held.
I nannied in Boulder and had little Gussy for over a year and a half, and of course loved him. I did not think my love for a child could have exceeded what I felt for Gussy, but Madi has taken the cake! (Sorry Gus) It is odd, she is almost a week old and I can see such a little personality in her already. Im sure as I continue to watch her grow up her personality will continue to become more and more unique, only making my love for the little peanut grow. It is quite unfathomable
how such a tiny, new, adorable baby can make my day! :)

I have always worked really hard at school, work, etc, and none of it really comes naturally to me. I have to intently study in order to do well on a test. It took me months to learn how to
arrange flowers. When I worked at the bar memorizing the drink recipes took me a lifetime. However, I have a natural motherly instinct (not to toot my own horn though!) and really am excellent at taking care of kids. I realize its not rocket science, or nursing in my case :), but I definite
ly think it is something to be proud of! I LOVED my job in Colorado. I thought it was so fun managing 3 kids schedules, taking them to various activities, playing silly make believe games, all while doing laundry, cooking dinner, and running errands. Real womanly stuff.
My mom (who is staying her btw for a month or so to help with the baby) told me when I was a kid anytime someone would ask me what I want to
be when I grow up, I instantly replied "a mommy." Seeing Madi, and all my nannying had made me feel confident that one day, when I do have my own children, I will be able to provide and care for them without getting utterly overwhelmed.

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