Monday, June 15, 2009

List List List...

If you are ever stuck in an airport alone for 15 hours i would suggest you make some lists, of anything! This recently happened to me and i made an assortment of fun little list that i hope to check off some day...they are as follows.

Places I want to visit slash live before I die...
  1. Australia
  2. Egypt
  3. Cambodia (live)
  4. Romania (live)
  5. Mexico--3rd world part
  6. Italy (live)
  7. St. Thomas/ St. Martin
  8. Jerusalem
  9. Paris (live)
  10. Africa--again the poor parts
  11. Hawaii

Bucket List...
(Cliche i know but again i was at the airport for 15 hours...)

  1. Bungee Jump off a bridge into water
  2. sky dive
  3. get married
  4. fly first class
  5. have at least 3 kids
  6. go to ever continent
  7. go to another Celine Dion concert
  8. go to a john Mayer, Jason mraz, taylor swift, sara bareilles, sugarland, and kanye west concert
  9. kiss a dolphin
  10. buy a house
  11. fly in a helicopter
  12. have an all inclusive vacation
  13. be a good teacher
  14. ride on an elephant
  15. adopt a child
  16. swim with sharks
  17. join the mile high club :)
  18. camp in Africa
  19. start and complete a wine cellar
  20. see a tornado up close in person
  21. trash a hotel room
  22. go blueberry picking
  23. go to a drive in movie
  24. write a children's book
  25. learn french...fluently
  26. learn sign language...fluently
  27. live in a 3rd world country
  28. ride on a Farris wheel
  29. be the first person on AND off the plane
  30. spend an entire day just at a theme park on one roller coaster
  31. love god
  32. learn to play pachelbels canon on the violin and piano
  33. scuba dive
  34. see the northern lights in Alaska
  35. be in NYC on new years
  36. see at least one of the seven wonders of the world...preferably the pyramids
  37. get my fortune told.
  38. learn to make a cheesecake without it cracking down the middle
  39. donate blood and eggs
  40. have a garden

Reasons I hate to fly...

  1. so stinking expensive
  2. could crash
  3. seats are always too straight for my back
  4. nasty when people cough or sneeze...
  5. flights are always delayed
  6. the flight attendant never gives you the whole can of soda
  7. so boring (hence this list by the way)
  8. my ears always hurt the entire duration of the flight
  9. ginormous people crammed into tiny seats
  10. its loud, dark, and smelly
  11. the sky mall magazine never changes it always has the same stupid pointless gifts no one needs but would be so cool to have---like the motor boat cup holder for the pool :)
  12. hate peanuts but i hate it even more that there are only like 5 in the stinking tiny bag they give you.
  13. either too cold or too hot
  14. takes forever for people to get in their fricking seats!
  15. creepy old men hitting on me
  16. I'm scared to use the bathroom or sleep

First 10 things that come to my mind that I want

  1. a vera bradley duffel bag
  2. elijahs MP3 player
  3. a college education
  4. the perfect fathers day gift (i got this one already)
  5. professionally framed pictures
  6. a one that isn't tore up!
  7. original flavored chex mix
  8. ******a reading light!
  9. every Jodi Picoult book ever written
  10. season tickets to a sports event (baseball or basketball)

Top 5 questions that i want answers to at this very moment...

  1. How can someone know me better than myself?
  2. is there a God?
  3. Where will I be in 5 years?
  4. Will I be a good teacher?
  5. Whats his favorite Disney movie?

Silly questions I want answers to before i marry...whoever.

  1. What is your favorite Disney movie
  2. least favorite food
  3. will you get mad at me if i change the channel during your sports game on accident
  4. how many kids
  5. where do you want to get married
  6. do you like the name Oliver
  7. do you like pickles
  8. what is your favorite color
  9. do you like when girls wear perfume
  10. would you rather me be all done up or bummy
  11. favorite meal i could cook you, including drinks dessert and main dish
  12. favorite song, movie, and music genre
  13. will you sit through i musical with me
  14. can you handle seeing a chick flick every now and then
  15. what do you want to do that you would never actually do
  16. can you kiss me
  17. can you build things or i guess are you creative
  18. what will our pet be and what will its name be...boy and girl
  19. least favorite thing a girl does
  20. favorite outfit...mine and yours.
  21. Does it annoy you i cant spell and will ask you how to spell simple things
  22. does it annoy you i spell out slash instead of putting the... "/" thingy?

So, once again, another pointless and waste of time post :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm speechless. That was the farthest thing from pointless. You're amazing. :p
