Saturday, July 11, 2009

Phnom Penh, Cambodia Here I COME!!

When I was a kid I had a really good friend, Hilary Gumely, and when I was like 9ish she moved to Cambodia with her family...permanently. Ever since then I have always had some sort of fascination with Cambodia, but it wasn't till about a year ago that I was determined to travel abroad and live in Cambodia.

The summer before my freshman year in college I received my summer reading assignment, Lucky Child, needless to say I was less than enthused to spend my hot summer days reading a, what i thought would be a dry and utterly boring book. However I was enthralled with everything in the book, from the style of writing, the descriptive nature of the text, even the explicit pictures throughout the pages...Quick little synopsis of the book...Two sisters get separated during the Kumar Rouge in Cambodia, one escapes to the states the other is a prisoner in her own country...all in all two VERY different life experiences. But what was more interesting about the book was the vast cultural differences between America and Cambodia, something I too hope to experience...hence the title of this blog! Come summer of next year I have decided to take off 3 weeks and travel to Cambodia with "A Broader View" volunteer program. IM SO EXCITED! nothing is finalized yet (aka i haven't paid yet lol but SOON!)

Its a very well planned out program. Most days ill be at the orphanage but the program also provides a few "free" days where i can go sightseeing!

The program I'll be apart of is technically called- Orphanage and Child Care Assistant meaning tutoring, cooking, playing, and teaching English! The orphanage provides a home and education to over 100 children, which I thought was surprisingly low. From my understanding most of the children previously worked as garbage pickers at a landfill in Phnom Penh.

I don't think this could be a better opportunity for me, just as a future teacher but also just as a person...I'm hoping it will be a fun and humbling experience! ...who knows maybe ill never come back:)


  1. seriously?because i would love for you to :)

  2. Wow, that sounds like so much fun! Work, yes, but rewarding work. :) Hope you have a wonderful time!
