Wednesday, March 4, 2009

kids say the darndest things!

So i have been trying how to figure out how to upload pictures to a blog and i just did! So im posting twice in one day! how that for blogging!!

i nanny for 3 kids (Ella 7, Amelia (or ace) 4, and Guss (or gussy) 16 months). they are amazing and super funny and incredably well behavied. im talking "miss elyse may i please have more juice" "miss elyse i like your hair" and "miss elyse can you please cut this up for me" wonder i like them so much!!! anyways here they are, my wonderful ella amelia and gussy.

yay for kidsssssss :)

Bad Blogger! How Dare You!

So according to Melissa i am a "bad blogger" so i thought i would attempt to be a good blooger :)

honestly i havent really had much to blog about. My life had been pretty simple, school on mondays and wed. and work every other day of my life :). Although i had a really interesting education class today.

i have never been to school in all 18 years, sat in a classroom, and thought wow i could actually be really good at this. That is until now! I fully understand everything that my edu. teacher is saying and i am so intrigued about all the different aspect of teaching and the way that childrens minds develop. Did you know that in 1877 it only cost $2.41 for each child per year!? and now it costs nearly 10000 per year!!! and in 1747 the average person only went to school 81 days in a LIFETIME!! Now its a required 180 per year! nuts. anyways i cant wait to be a teacher, and i dont care if i dont make 80000 a year, at least i have the satisfaction of teaching Americas youth (haha a direct quote from my edu teacher) Also i think it will be perfect for when i become a mom. Think about it, as weird or anit-feminism as it is, all i want to do in life is have a really fun hot adorable husband, have great kids, and be able to cook and clean and take care of my family. The hours that i will work perfectly coincide with my future kids schedule. all in all im super excited!!

On another note...sally and i went apartment shopping yesterday and found the apartment of the lifetime!!!!!! it had painted walls, an island, huge living and dining room, a back porch, the biggest closet i have ever seen, double vanity sinks, hard wood floors, and a tiled kitchen. Its perfect, aside from the fact its $1250 a month. For sally this is fine because her parents pay for everything, but for me my rent is 500 now and going up two hundred dollars is somewhat troublesome! same goes for rob his rent is $1080 a month and his parent pay half. i dont really think either one really understand how hard it would be if they had to pay for everything by themselves, and i probl. sound like a whiner but it tough! and super stressful...i think sally especially takes it for granted at times, (love her to death) but she has got it made! no college tuition bills, she get money for food, rent, gas, etc. To me its kinda sad that money has such an influence on what people do in life, especially when one works two jobs just to pay off everything...i guess welcome to adulthood huh!

thats my thought for today...not very engaging haha.